Build Session 15

December 20, 2014

OMG! It’s the middle of December already!

Check out the first in a series of update videos that we’ll be releasing:

Cole and Gabriel finished the PC board to control each joint of the legs. They tracked down the problem to a MOSFET that was backwards. Easily fixed, and after that the board worked perfectly. They also installed the new two and three pin connectors that came in. Here’s the completed board – a fine piece of work!
On the left is valve assembly that will be used to drive one leg. There are 4 valves total in this assembly, two for the knee and two for the hip.

Sam is home from college for the break, so he pitched in to work with Joseph on assembling the legs:

We’ve used just about every tool in the shop on this project, but the hammer didn’t come out until yesterday:

Ed and Connor finished attaching the support frame casters to their plates
and the Cole welded the plates on, so the only thing left to do on the frame is to paint it. Ed and Sammy did the paint prep:

Connor and Ed disassembling the frame before painting.