Build Session 5

September 27, 2014

Having successfully completed our two prototypes and showcased them at the Greenbrae Mini Maker Faire, we were ready to get started on the first of our more final stages for the Scorpion Exosuit.  We began the day by splitting into two main groups.  Joseph, Ed, Thelonious got to work on hip rotation and Cole, Connor and Gabriel began work on PC Boards.

The hip rotation group started off by measuring their hips and legs to find the average group member’s hip location.  They then pulled up the skeletal armature we demonstrated at the Maker Faire and made a cut on the corresponding point.

Meanwhile, Connor, Gabriel and Cole were facing a serious roadblock while constructing the first PC Board.  They had successfully exposed the board and developed it in a dark room.  But, when the time came to actually etch the pattern onto the board, they found that even the unexposed parts of the board were being etched away as well.

The faulty board along side a functional one.

The group eventually concluded that the resin material must have been faulty and would try again next week with resin from a different supplier that had worked in the past.

During this time, the hip rotation group had trimmed the hip brackets for joint room and started on the braces for each pivot point.

Joseph grinding down one of the braces for the hip rotation.